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ppl:functions:evttimeadj [2024/03/25 14:34] stimpyppl:functions:evttimeadj [2024/03/27 14:10] (current) stimpy
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 ====== EVTTIMEADJ() :BOOLEAN ====== ====== EVTTIMEADJ() :BOOLEAN ======
-Detects if the users time has been adjusted for an upcoming event. This is useful to detect if a users time left can be increased with the AdjTime statement.  +Detects if the users time has been adjusted for an upcoming event. This is useful to detect if a users time left can be increased with the [[ppl:statements:adjtime|AdjTime]] statement.  
 **See also:** [[ppl:statements:adjtime|AdjTime]] **See also:** [[ppl:statements:adjtime|AdjTime]]