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ppl:functions:u_stat [2024/03/27 16:26] stimpyppl:functions:u_stat [2024/03/27 16:26] (current) stimpy
Line 4: Line 4:
 Valid values for `option` are 1 through 15   Valid values for `option` are 1 through 15  
-| **1** | first date the user called the system   +| **1** | first date the user called the system | 
-| **2** | number of SysOp pages the user has requested   +| **2** | number of SysOp pages the user has requested | 
-| **3** | number of group chats the user has participated in   +| **3** | number of group chats the user has participated in | 
-| **4** | number of comments the user has left   +| **4** | number of comments the user has left | 
-| **5** | number of 300 bps connects   +| **5** | number of 300 bps connects | 
-| **6** | number of 1200 bps connects   +| **6** | number of 1200 bps connects | 
-| **7** | bumber of 2400 bps connects   +| **7** | bumber of 2400 bps connects | 
-| **8** | number of 9600 bps connects   +| **8** | number of 9600 bps connects | 
-| **9** | number of 14400 bps connects   +| **9** | number of 14400 bps connects | 
-| **10** | number of security violations   +| **10** | number of security violations | 
-| **11** | number of "not registered in conference" warnings   +| **11** | number of "not registered in conference" warnings | 
-| **12** | number of times the users download limit has been reached   +| **12** | number of times the users download limit has been reached | 
-| **13** | number of "file not found" warnings   +| **13** | number of "file not found" warnings | 
-| **14** | number of password errors the user has had   +| **14** | number of password errors the user has had | 
-| **15** | number of verify errors the user has had  +| **15** | number of verify errors the user has had |
 --- ---