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ppl:statements:account [2024/03/27 17:02] stimpyppl:statements:account [2024/03/27 17:14] (current) stimpy
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 field is the field number to access (1-14) or using [[ppl:statements:constants|DEB_ constants]]   field is the field number to access (1-14) or using [[ppl:statements:constants|DEB_ constants]]  
-See the Accounting section for a list of constants witch can be used with the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] function.  +See the [[ppl:statements:accounting|Accounting section]] for a list of constants witch can be used with the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] function.  
 The account function is used to retrieve account information from PCBoard. These are the constants which can be used with the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] function.   The account function is used to retrieve account information from PCBoard. These are the constants which can be used with the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] function.  
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 The [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT]] statement is used to modify accounting information for a user. This statement will simply modify a debit value whereas the [[ppl:statements:recordusage|RECORDUSAGE]] will do the same thing as well as record information in the accounting file.   The [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT]] statement is used to modify accounting information for a user. This statement will simply modify a debit value whereas the [[ppl:statements:recordusage|RECORDUSAGE]] will do the same thing as well as record information in the accounting file.  
-The valid constants for this statement are the same as those used for the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] Function. See the [[ppl:statements:accounting|Accounting section]] for a list of those consts  +The valid constants for this statement are the same as those used for the [[ppl:statements:account|ACCOUNT()]] Function. See the [[ppl:statements:accounting|Accounting section]] for a list of those consts     
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