This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== U_STAT(option:integer) :DATE or :INTEGER ====== Returns a statistic about the user that is tracked by PCBoard Valid values for `option` are 1 through 15 | **1** | first date the user called the system | | **2** | number of SysOp pages the user has requested | | **3** | number of group chats the user has participated in | | **4** | number of comments the user has left | | **5** | number of 300 bps connects | | **6** | number of 1200 bps connects | | **7** | bumber of 2400 bps connects | | **8** | number of 9600 bps connects | | **9** | number of 14400 bps connects | | **10** | number of security violations | | **11** | number of "not registered in conference" warnings | | **12** | number of times the users download limit has been reached | | **13** | number of "file not found" warnings | | **14** | number of password errors the user has had | | **15** | number of verify errors the user has had | --- **See also:** [[ppl:functions:u_bdl|U_Bdl]], [[ppl:functions:u_bdlday|U_BdlDay]], [[ppl:functions:u_bul|U_Bul]], [[ppl:functions:u_fdl|U_Fdl]], [[ppl:functions:u_ful|U_Ful]], [[ppl:functions:u_inconf|U_InConf]], [[ppl:functions:u_ldate|U_LDate]], [[ppl:functions:u_ldir|U_LDir]], [[ppl:functions:u_lmr|U_Lmr]], [[ppl:functions:u_logons|U_Logons]], [[ppl:functions:u_ltime|U_LTime]], [[ppl:functions:u_msgrd|U_MsgRd]], [[ppl:functions:u_msgwr|U_MsgWr]], [[ppl:functions:u_name|U_Name]], [[ppl:functions:u_pwdhist|U_PwdHist]], [[ppl:functions:u_pwdlc|U_PwdLc]], [[ppl:functions:u_pwdtc|U_PwdTc]], [[ppl:functions:u_recnum|U_RecNum]], [[ppl:functions:u_timeon|U_TimeOn]]