====== CONSTANTS & VARIABLES ====== PPL allows user defined constants in the following formats: ====$#.##==== A MONEY constant (dollar sign followed by optional dollars followed by decimal point followed by cents; # = 0-9) ====#h==== An INTEGER hexadecimal constant (# = 0-9 & A-F) ====#d==== An INTEGER decimal constant (# = 0-9) ====#o==== An INTEGER octal constant (# = 0-7) ====#b==== An INTEGER binary constant (# = 0-1) ====#==== An INTEGER constant (# = 0-9) ===="X"==== A STRING constant (X = any displayable text) ====@X##==== An INTEGER @X constant (# = 0-9 & A-F) ## Predefined Constants PPL predefines the following constants: ====AUTO = 2000h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (automatically press enter after 10 seconds of no user input) ====BELL = 800h==== Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (sound a bell when prompt displayed) ====CRC_FILE - CRC_STR==== These constants were added to avoid confusion when telling the function CRC32 what it is taking the CRC of. CRC_FILE tells CRC32 to calculate the CRC of the file contained within the string argument. CRC_STR tells CRC32 to calculate the CRC of the string argument itself. CRC_FILE has a value of 1 (TRUE) CRC_STR has a value of 0 (FALSE) ====CUR_USER = 0==== Parameter passed to CURUSER() ====DEFS = 0==== Parameter passed to various statements for default values ====ECHODOTS = 1h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (echo dots instead of user input) ====ERASELINE = 20h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (erase the current line when user presses enter) ====FALSE = 0==== BOOLEAN FALSE value ====FCL = 2==== Value passed to STARTDISP to force line counting display ====FIELDLEN = 2h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (displays parenthesis to show input field width if ANSI enabled) ====FNS = 1==== Value passed to STARTDISP to force non-stop display ====F_EXP = 2h==== Expired subscription access allowed flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG ====F_MW = 10h==== Mail waiting flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG ====F_REG = 1h==== Registered access allowed flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG ====F_SEL = 4h==== Conference selected flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG ====F_SYS = 8h==== Conference SysOp access flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG ====GRAPH = 1h==== Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for graphics specific files ====GUIDE = 4h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (displays parenthesis above current line if FIELDLEN used and ANSI not enabled ====HIGHASCII = 1000h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (allow high ascii characters, regardless of current valid character set, if disable high ascii filter set to yes) ====LANG = 4h==== Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for language specific files ====LFAFTER = 100h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send an extra line feed after user presses enter) ====LFBEFORE = 80h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send an extra line feed before prompt display) ====LOGIT = 8000h==== Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (log text to callers log) ====LOGITLEFT = 10000h==== Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (log text to callers log, forcing left justification) ====NC = 0==== Value passed to STARTDISP to not change display mode ====NEWLINE = 40h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send a line feed after user presses enter) ====NOCLEAR = 400h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (don't clear field at first keypress regardless of ANSI) ====NO_USER = -1==== Parameter passed to CURUSER() ====O_RD = 0==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in read only mode ====O_RW = 2==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in read and write mode ====O_WR = 1==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in write only mode ====SEC = 2h==== Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for security specific files ====STACKED = 10h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (allow semi-colons and spaces in addition to valid character set passed) ====S_DB = 3h==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny read and write (both) access from other processes ====S_DN = 0h==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to allow read and write (deny none) access from other processes ====S_DR = 1h==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny read access from other processes ====S_DW = 2h==== Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny write access from other processes ====TRUE = 1==== BOOLEAN TRUE value ====UPCASE = 8h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (force user input to upper case) ====WORDWRAP = 200h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (if user hits end of line, save the text at the end of the line for future use) ====YESNO = 4000h==== Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (Only allow international yes/no responses) ====NO_USER = -1==== Return by GetUser - variables are currently undefined ====CUR_USER = 0==== Return by GetUser - User variables are for the current user ## Predefined variables PPL predefines the following variables for user record access: ====BOOLEAN U_CLS==== Clear screen between messages status ====BOOLEAN U_DEF79==== 79 column message editor default ====BOOLEAN U_EXPERT==== Users current expert status ====BOOLEAN U_FSE==== Users full screen editor default ====BOOLEAN U_FSEP==== Prompt for full screen editor status ====BOOLEAN U_LONGHDR==== 6 line vs 4 line message header status ====BOOLEAN U_SCROLL==== Scroll multi-screen message status ====DATE U_EXPDATE==== The users subscription expiration date ====DATE U_PWDEXP==== The date that the users password expires and must be changed ====INTEGER U_EXPSEC==== The users expired security level ====INTEGER U_PAGELEN==== The users page length ====INTEGER U_SEC==== The users security level ====STK_LIMIT==== This constant was added so the PPL programmer could determine how close they are getting to the stack limit when using recursion. ====STRING U_ADDR(5)==== The users address information (if the SysOp has enabled address recording) 0 = First street line 1 = Second street line 2 = City 3 = State 4 = Zip 5 = Country ====STRING U_ALIAS==== The users alias (if the SysOp has enabled alias use) ====STRING U_BDPHONE==== The users business/data phone number ====STRING U_CITY==== The users city/state information ====STRING U_CMNT1==== The users comment field ====STRING U_CMNT2==== The SysOps comment field ====STRING U_HVPHONE==== The users home/voice phone number ====STRING U_NOTES(4)==== Notes about the user (if the SysOp has enabled the note capability) Subscripts 0-4 hold lines 1-5 ====STRING U_PWD==== The users password ====STRING U_TRANS==== The users default transfer protocol ====STRING U_VER==== The users verification string (if the SysOp has enabled user verification) **See also:** Predefined Constants ---- **Tags:** {{tag>ppl constant variable}}