PPL allows user defined constants in the following formats:
A MONEY constant (dollar sign followed by optional dollars followed by decimal point followed by cents; # = 0-9)
An INTEGER hexadecimal constant (# = 0-9 & A-F)
An INTEGER decimal constant (# = 0-9)
An INTEGER octal constant (# = 0-7)
An INTEGER binary constant (# = 0-1)
An INTEGER constant (# = 0-9)
A STRING constant (X = any displayable text)
An INTEGER @X constant (# = 0-9 & A-F)
PPL predefines the following constants:
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (automatically press enter after 10 seconds of no user input)
Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (sound a bell when prompt displayed)
These constants were added to avoid confusion when telling the function CRC32 what it is taking the CRC of. CRCFILE tells CRC32 to calculate the CRC of the file contained within the string argument. CRCSTR tells CRC32 to calculate the CRC of the string argument itself. CRCFILE has a value of 1 (TRUE) CRCSTR has a value of 0 (FALSE)
Parameter passed to CURUSER()
Parameter passed to various statements for default values
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (echo dots instead of user input)
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (erase the current line when user presses enter)
Value passed to STARTDISP to force line counting display
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (displays parenthesis to show input field width if ANSI enabled)
Value passed to STARTDISP to force non-stop display
Expired subscription access allowed flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG
Mail waiting flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG
Registered access allowed flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG
Conference selected flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG
Conference SysOp access flag for CONFFLAG and CONFUNFLAG
Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for graphics specific files
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (displays parenthesis above current line if FIELDLEN used and ANSI not enabled
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (allow high ascii characters, regardless of current valid character set, if disable high ascii filter set to yes)
Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for language specific files
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send an extra line feed after user presses enter)
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send an extra line feed before prompt display)
Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (log text to callers log)
Parameter passed to DISPTEXT statement (log text to callers log, forcing left justification)
Value passed to STARTDISP to not change display mode
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR, PROMPTSTR and DISPTEXT statements (send a line feed after user presses enter)
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (don't clear field at first keypress regardless of ANSI)
Parameter passed to CURUSER()
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in read only mode
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in read and write mode
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to open a file in write only mode
Parameter passed to DISPFILE statement to search for security specific files
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (allow semi-colons and spaces in addition to valid character set passed)
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny read and write (both) access from other processes
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to allow read and write (deny none) access from other processes
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny read access from other processes
Parameter passed to FCREATE/FOPEN/FAPPEND to deny write access from other processes
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (force user input to upper case)
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (if user hits end of line, save the text at the end of the line for future use)
Parameter passed to INPUTSTR and PROMPTSTR statements (Only allow international yes/no responses)
Return by GetUser - variables are currently undefined
Return by GetUser - User variables are for the current user
PPL predefines the following variables for user record access:
Clear screen between messages status
79 column message editor default
Users current expert status
Users full screen editor default
Prompt for full screen editor status
6 line vs 4 line message header status
Scroll multi-screen message status
The users subscription expiration date
The date that the users password expires and must be changed
The users expired security level
The users page length
The users security level
This constant was added so the PPL programmer could determine how close they are getting to the stack limit when using recursion.
The users address information (if the SysOp has enabled address recording)
0 = First street line 1 = Second street line 2 = City 3 = State 4 = Zip 5 = Country
The users alias (if the SysOp has enabled alias use)
The users business/data phone number
The users city/state information
The users comment field
The SysOps comment field
The users home/voice phone number
Notes about the user (if the SysOp has enabled the note capability)
Subscripts 0-4 hold lines 1-5
The users password
The users default transfer protocol
The users verification string (if the SysOp has enabled user verification)
See also: Predefined Constants
Tags: ppl constant variable