Expression Operators

PPL allows the following operators to be used in expressions (lvalue and rvalue are simply the values to the left and right, respectively, of binary operators):

  (  - Start sub-expression (also allows [ to be used)
  )  - End sub-expression (also allows ] to be used)
  ^  - Raise lvalue to the power of rvalue (also allows ** to be used)
  *  - Multiply lvalue by rvalue
  /  - Divide lvalue by rvalue
  %  - Remainder of lvalue divided by rvalue
  +  - Add rvalue to lvalue
  -  - Subtract rvalue from lvalue
  =  - Is lvalue equal to rvalue (also allows ==)
  <> - Is lvalue not equal to rvalue (also allows != and ><)
  <  - Is lvalue less than rvalue
  <= - Is lvalue less than or equal to rvalue (also allows =<)
  >  - Is lvalue greater than rvalue
  >= - Is lvalue greater than or equal to rvalue (also allows =>)
  !  - Logical not of rvalue
  &  - Logical and of lvalue with rvalue (also allows &&)
  |  - Logical or of lvalue with rvalue (also allows ||)

Tags: ppl operator