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V View Settings

This command displays the current settings of your user record.


This command allows you to view various information and stats regarding your current call. The display may look like the following:

Caller Num.: 1,005,213
Lst Date On: 02-08-93
Expire Date: None
# Times On : 6,008
Page Length: 23
Expert Mode: On
Security Lv: 120
# Downloads: 684
# Uploads : 256
Bytes Avail: Unlimited
Byte Ratio : 7.3:1
File Ratio : 10.2:1
L/Msg. Read: 117,261
High Msg. #: 117,261
Active Msgs: 1,936
Tr/Protocol: No default protocol – ask each time.

The following describes each field that you may see on the status screen:

Caller NumThis is the number of calls that the bulletin board system you are calling has answered since operation of the system began.
Lst Date OnThe last date you called the system is stored in this field.
Expire DateThis field contains the date at which your account will expire. If you have no expiration date then this field will contain the word None. Some bulletin board systems set their users to expire at a certain date. When you are “expired” your security level is usually dropped until you follow the instructions that are displayed to you.
# Times OnThis value shows how many times you have called this system.
Page LengthThe page length setting allows you to configure how many lines will be displayed on your screen before you want PCBoard to issue a More? prompt and ask you if you are ready for the next screen. This value may be changed by using the P user command.
Expert ModeIf expert mode is turned on, an On is displayed. Otherwise, you are in novice mode and an Off is displayed. You may toggle expert mode by using the X user command.
Security LvThis value is the security level that you have been assigned on this system. The bulletin board system uses this value to control what you can and cannot do on the system.
# DownloadsThis is the total number of files you have downloaded from the system.
# UploadsThis is the total number of files you have uploaded to the system.
Bytes AvailThis field shows you how many bytes you can download for the remainder of the day. If this value is set to Unlimited then you may download as much as your time allows.
Byte RatioShows the total number of bytes that have been downloaded for each byte uploaded. The number to the left of the colon shows the number of bytes downloaded for each byte shown to the right of the colon.
File RatioShows the total number of files that have been downloaded for each file uploaded. The number to the left of the colon shows the number of files downloaded for each file shown to the right of the colon.
L/Msg. ReadThis field contains the last message number you have read in the current conference. As you change conferences this value will be updated.
High Msg. #This value is the highest message number in the conference you are currently in.
Active MsgsThis value is the number of messages that are active in the conference you are currently in. While you will see that each conference has a range of messages (e.g. 332-982) some of the messages in that range may have been deleted. Therefore, you cannot subtract the low message number from the high message number to get the actual number of active messages.
Tr/ProtocolThis is the name of the protocol you have selected as your default transfer protocol. If None is displayed, you will be prompted for a transfer protocol to use each time you start a file transfer.

If you happen to be logging in as the SysOp (as record #1 in the USERS file) then two additional lines will be displayed to you:

Defined #'sWhen you setup a conference, you are asked how many message blocks you want for the particular conference. If you enter 4 in that field, then you will be allowed to have a range of 4096 active messages in the conference. This field will list the number of active messages that can be in the current conference. This number is obtained by taking the message blocks as defined in the conference and multiplying it by 1024.
Free Msg #sDisplays the number of messages that you may add to the current conference before exceeding the number of message blocks that you have defined. For example, if your low message number is 4362, your high message number is 8257, and you have defined the conference for 6 message blocks (6144 messages) then you will have 2248 free messages before you exceed your defined range of active messages.
commands/user/user_command_v.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/18 15:06
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