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There are three new functions which return accounting information. Each function will return a value based on a parameter passed to it. Several constants have been added to make accessing these values easier. The following list details these consts and what they are used for.
for use with PCBACCOUNT() only!

val const Associated value
0 NEWBALANCE Credits Given to a new user account
1 CHRGCALL | Credits charged for a call | | 2 | CHRGTIME Credits charged for time used (in minutes)
3 CHRGPEAKTIME | Credits charged for peak time used | | 4 | CHRGCHAT Credits charged for chat session
5 CHRGMSGREAD | Credits charged for reading a message | | 6 | CHRGMSGCAP Credits charged for capturing a message
7 CHRGMSGWRITE | Credits charged for writing a message | | 8 | CHRGMSGECHOED Credits charged for writing an echoed message
9 CHRGMSGPRIVATE | Credits charged for writing a private message | | 10 | CHRGDOWNFILE Credits charged for downloading a file
11 CHRGDOWNBYTES | Credits charged for downloading bytes | | 12 | PAYUPFILE Credits given for uploading a file
13 PAYUPBYTES | Credits given for uploading bytes | | 14 | WARNLEVEL Credit threshold for low credit warning

The following are for use with PCBACCSTAT() only!

val constant Associated value
0 ACCSTAT | Returns status of the “Enable Accounting” | | | | switch in the PWRD file. | | | | 0=Accounting disabled (N), | | | | 1=Tracking (T), and 2=Enabled (Y). | | 1 | ACCTIME The amount of ADDITIONAL units to charge
per minute while in the current
2 ACCMSGR | The amount to charge in ADDITION for each | | | | message read in the current conference. | | 3 | ACCMSGW The amount to charge in ADDITION for each
message entered in the current conference.

The following are for use with ACCOUNT(), ACCOUNT and RECORDUSAGE only!

val constant description
0 STARTBAL | Users starting balance. | | 1 | STARTSESSION Users starting balance for this session
2 DEBCALL | Debit for this call | | 3 | DEBTIME Debit for time on
4 DEBMSGREAD | Debit for reading message | | 5 | DEBMSGCAP Debit for capturing a message
6 DEBMSGWRITE | Debit for writing a message | | 7 | DEBMSGECHOED Debit for echoed message
8 DEBMSGPRIVATE| Debit for writing private message | | 9 | DEBDOWNFILE Debit for downloading a file
10 DEBDOWNBYTES | Debit for downloading bytes | | 11 | DEBCHAT Debit for chat
12 DEBTPU | Debit for TPU | | 13 | DEBSPECIAL Debit special
14 CREDUPFILE | Credit for uploading a file | | 15 | CREDUPBYTES Credit for uploading bytes
16 CREDSPECIAL | Credit special | | 17 | SECDROP Security level to drop to at 0 credits

This group of constants can be used to access or modify user account information using the ACCOUNT() function, ACCOUNT statement and/or RECORDUSAGE. The ACCOUNT() function returns the current value and the ACCOUNT statement is used to modify a value. Record usage also modifies a value with more information stored in a usage file.
See also: Account RecordUsage

ppl/statements/constants.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/16 14:00
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