This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Users File Maintenance ====== This is the menu option that you probably use most frequently. Once you select it, you will see you have an entire new menu to select from. These new menu options give you the ability to edit an individual user record, register ranges of users in conferences, sort the users file, pack the users file, etc. ===== Editing A User Record ===== When you select this menu option, you will see user record number one on your system. On the left hand screen is a limited number of fields that you can edit. On the right is a list of keyboard commands you can use to jump to another record, add a new user, etc. This is called the short form. ==== User Record Forms ==== PCBoard stores a lot of information about each user. Because all of this information cannot fit on one screen, PCBoard has multiple views which you can switch between to edit various information about each user. To switch between views, use the F2 and F3 keys. Pressing F2 will move forward one screen or form, and pressing F3 will switch to the previous form. The default view is called the Short Form. When this form is active, you can edit the bare essential information about each user. You can edit the following information when the short form is active. |**Security**|The normal security level that is assigned to the user.| |**Reg Ex Date**|If subscription mode is active, this is the date which the user's subscription will expire on the system.| |**Expired Sec**|When subscription mode is active and a user is expired. The expired security level will be used in stead of the normal security level. This field shows you the security level of the user when their subscription has expired.| |**Delete User**|Mark the current user for deletion. You are asked to confirm your choice before the record will be marked. The actual record is not deleted until the next time you pack the users file.| |**Comment 1**|This is the response the user enters to PCBTEXT record #2 when creating a new account on the system.| |**Comment 2**|This comment field is for your use only. You can enter a brief comment about the user without having to worry about it being viewable by the user.| The next view that is available by pressing F2 is called the Long Form. This is the view that you will use to edit a majority of the information about each user. You can edit number of bytes transferred, messages left, username, password, etc. The following describes each of the fields: |**Name**|Each person that logs into your system must use a user name. Most commonly this will be the name of the caller. This name simply identifies the caller.| |**City**|The city or location information entered when creating a new account on the system.| |**B/D Phone**|The business or data phone entered when creating a new account on the system.| |**H/V Phone**|The home or voice phone number entered when creating a new account.| |**Password**|Stores the password selected for logging into the system. Each user must know their password in order to log into the system. If this field is blank, the user will not be prompted for a password at login.| |**Security**|The normal security level that is assigned to the user.| |**Expert**|This field will contain a Y if the user wishes to default to expert mode at login. Otherwise, this field will show an N which means the user will default to novice mode.| |**Protocol**|Stores the default protocol the user wishes to use for file transfers. This question is asked when a new user logs in, but it may also be changed using the T user command.| |**Page Len**|In order to help control the display of information, PCBoard will use a More? prompt when the screen fills up on the caller's screen. In this field, the height of the caller's screen should be entered. For most users, this should be either 22 or 23. If you set the value in this field to 0, PCBoard will send data in non-stop mode. The user may change this value with the P user command.| |**Reg Ex Date**|If subscription mode is active, this is the date which the user's subscription will expire on the system.| |**Expired Sec**|If a user's subscription has expired, the expired security level will be assigned at login instead of the normal security level. This field shows the expired security level assigned to the user.| |**Msg Clear**|This field will contain a Y if the user wishes to clear the screen before a new message is displayed on the screen. If this field contains an N, the screen will not be cleared between messages.| |**Last in**|The conference number the user was in when disconnected last. If you have any conference defined as auto-rejoin, this field becomes of great importance. For example, a 3 in this field will mean the user logged off while in conference 3. The next time the user logs in, PCBoard will check to see if conference 3 is defined as an auto-rejoin conference. If so, the user will be placed back in conference 3.| |**Delete User**|Mark the current user for deletion. You are asked to confirm your choice before the record will be marked. The actual record is not deleted until the next time you pack the users file.| |**Comment 1**|This is the response that the user entered to PCBTEXT record #2 when creating a new account.| |**Comment 2**|This comment field is for your use only. You can enter a brief comment about the user. The user will not be able to view the contents of this field.| |**Last DIR Listing**|PCBoard keeps track of the latest valid file date that you have seen when viewing file directories. This field is used for two purposes. 1) For new file scans to determine what the default scan date should be. 2) While viewing file directories * (asterisks) will be placed by any files which are new to the caller.| |**Last Date On**|Stores the last date the user logged into the system.| |**Last Time On**|Stores the last time the user logged into the system.| |**Elapsed Time On**|Contains the total amount of time that was spent on the last date the user called on the system. If the last date the user called is equal to the current date, this field contains how much time the user has spent for the current day.| |**Number Times On**|The number of times this user has successfully logged into your system.| |**Number Uploads**|The total number of files this user has uploaded to your system.| |**Number Downloads**|The total number of files this user has downloaded from your system.| |**Daily Download**|Contains the total number of bytes this user downloaded the last date on the system. If the last date on is equal to today's date, the value of this field will reflect the total number of bytes downloaded today. If you see a negative value in this field, more bytes have been uploaded than downloaded. In essence, the user has a byte credit.| |**Total Upload**|This field displays the total number of bytes the user has uploaded to your system.| |**Total Download**|Displays the total number of bytes the user has downloaded from your system.| |**Messages Read**|The total number of messages the user has read.| |**Messages Left**|The total number of messages the user has entered.| |**Full Scrn Editor**|This field will contain either Y, N, or A. A Y means the full-screen editor will always be used for entering messages. An N signifies that the line editor will be used for entering messages. Finally, an A means the user will be asked if they wish to use the full-screen editor each time they leave a message. The user may change this default with the W user command.| |**79-Column Editor**|If this field contains a Y, both the line and full-screen editor will use 79 character-wide lines when entering messages. If an N is specified, the default will be 72 characters instead.| |**Scroll Long Msgs**|This field may contain either Y or N. If this field contains a Y, the message header will scroll off of the screen if the message requires more than one screen full to display. If this field contains an N, the message header will be fixed at the top of the screen with the message body being displayed underneath it.| |**Long Headers**|If this field contains a Y, long message headers will be used. Otherwise the short message headers will be used. See the R user command for more information on the difference between long and short message headers.| |**Chat Status**|PCBoard will remember the chat status of the caller. This means that if a caller has made themselves unavailable for group chat using the CHAT;U command, this field will contain a U to reflect that the user was unavailable. When the user logs into the system the next time, the chat status from their previous call will be reinstated.| You can control the conference specific information for each particular user from the Conference View. Primarily you will register users in conferences from this view, but you can accomplish other tasks as well. You will notice this screen is split into two lists with 15 conferences listed in each list. Within each list is four columns. The first column displays the conference number, the next displays the name of the conference. The last two columns are fields you can actually edit. The first field you can edit is the flags field, the last column in each list keeps track of the last message that each user read in each conference. To move between the various fields on the screen, you can use down arrow, up arrow, TAB, or SHIFT-TAB. If you have more than 30 conferences, use PgUp, and PgDn to move forward or back 30 conferences at a time. There are five possible flags you can set for each conference. Each flag will specify what type of access the user has to the conference the flags are being set for. Each flag is described in detail below: |**R**|Register. This flag is used to control the ability of a user to join a conference. The main use of this flag is to control who will have access to private conferences you create. A user may not join a private conference unless they have an R flag in that conference. You do not need to use this flag for public conferences unless you want to give access to the conference even if the user does not have sufficient security to join the conference.| |**X**|Expired. When used with the R flag, the user will continue to have access to the conference even when their subscription has expired. Subscription mode (PCBSetup > Subscriptions) must be enabled or this flag will have no effect.| |**S**|Selected. Even though there may be several conferences defined on your system, only a few of those conferences may interest the user. Using the SELECT user command, users may select those conferences which are of interest to them. There are subcommands for all of the mail reading or scanning commands which permit users to scan either all conferences they can access or only those conferences selected by the user. For example, R;S;ALL will read new mail in all conferences the user can join whereas R;S;A will read mail only in selected conferences.| |**C**|Conference SysOp. If you wish to give a user what you have defined as SysOp security level (PCBSetup > Security Levels > Sysop Commands) when the conference is joined, use this flag. When the user joins another conference, the security level is changed back to the original security level.| |**L**|Locked Out. If this flag is set, the user will not be able to join the conference under any circumstances. When you specify the X flag without an R flag, the X flag will be translated to an L flag thereby locking the user out of the conference.| The only other edit field on this screen is the last message read field. In this field, PCBoard keeps track of the last message the user has read in each conference. If you need to, you can edit the last message read in any conference for any user. The rest of the views are only active when you install a PSA. Each PSA has a separate screen which you can view information about each PSA. The following describes each of the PSA screens: If you have the Alias PSA installed, the next screen will contain the alias the user has selected to use. Unless you have given the user the ability to edit the alias choosen (PCBSetup | Configuration Options | System Control) the only way that the alias can be changed is while you are viewing the Alias Form. By installing the Full Address PSA you will enable the Address Form screen. From this screen, you can edit the fields that make up the user's address. You will notice that this screen lists the more popular components that make up a mailing address such as street address, city, state, etc. If you install the Password Changing PSA, the Password From will also be active when editing a user record. The following fields are active in this form: |**Previous Password**|Lists the most recently used passwords. A password may not be used if it is listed in one of these fields. Of course, each password will eventually be removed as it no longer becomes one of the three most recently used passwords.| |**Last Change Date**|The date when the password was last changed by the user.| |**# of times Changed**|Displays the total number of times the password has been changed. Multiple changes on the same day will not be recorded.| |**Expiration Date**|The date at which the current password will expire. If the user changes the password before the expiration date, the date will be adjusted for the new expiration date.| If you have installed the Verification PSA, the Verification Form will be active. This screen is very simple in design because there is only one field you cay edit. This field contains the information that the user entered as verification information when logging in as a new user. This information can be used by you as an additional piece of secret information to identify the caller. Considering that the caller may not view or edit this information once it has been entered, it should be relatively safe to assume that if the user knows this information that they are the original caller. If you have installed the Caller Statistics PSA, the Statistics Form will be active. This form stores various statistics about the caller. The following describes each field: |**First Date On**|This date will be equal to the date the user first logged into your system or the date you added the Caller Statistics PSA (if they already had an account).| |**Last Date On**|The last date the user logged into your system. You can also see this date on the Long Form screen.| |**Num Times On**|The total number of times this user has accessed your system. This information is also available on the Long Form screen.| |**# Times Paged SysOp**|This field will record the total number of times this user has paged the sysop to chat. It does not matter if the page was answered or not -- all attempts are recorded.| |**# Times Group Chat**|If a user uses group chat to chat with others on the system, the total number of chat sessions the user has participated will be recorded in this field. SysOp chats are not included in this total.| |**# Comments to Sysop**|This field records the total number of comments the user has left to the SysOp using the C user command. If the user begins a comment, but aborts the message, it does not count as a comment to the sysop.| |**# Messages Left**|For those users that are more active in the message base, this field will store the total number of messages the user has entered. You should be aware that while PCBoard may update this statistic, off-line mail reading doors may not.| |**# Messages Read**|Displays the total number of messages the user has read on your system. While PCBoard will update this field, some off-line mail door programs may not.| |**# Security Violation**|You can easily see who may be trying to access restricted functions on your system, by watching this field. It will total up the number of times a user has attempted to access a command which requires a higher security level.| |**# Un-Reg Conf Atmpt.**|Records the total number of attempts made to join a conference which the user is not registered to join.| |**# Password Failures**|Displays the number of times the wrong password was used at login. If you keep tabs on this statistic, you may be able to catch someone who is trying to hack into an account on your system.| |**# Dnld Limit Reached**|Anytime a user exceeds their defined ratio, daily bytes, or total bytes / files allotted, the count in this field will increase by 1.| |**# Dnld File Not Fnd.**|If the user attempts to download a file, but the filename could not be found on disk, it will be recorded in this field.| |**# Upld Verify Failed**|After uploading a file, PCBoard will test the file via PCBTEST.BAT unless you have disabled upload testing. If the file uploaded fails the integrity tests, it will be recorded in this field.| |**# Times On at 300**|Displays the total number of times the user connected at 300 bps.| |**# Times On at 1200**|Displays the total number of times the user connected at 1200 bps.| |**# Times On at 2400**|Displays the total number of times the user connected at 2400 bps.| |**# Times On at 9600**|Displays the total number of times the user connected at 4800, 7200 or 9600 bps. All three speeds are shown in this field, because they are all only possible with 9600 bps modems.| |**# Times On at 14400+**|Displays the total number of times the user connected at 12000 bps or higher. The reason 12000 bps is included in this statistic is because it is a fall-back speed for 14400 connections.| Finally, the last PSA screen is called Caller Notes and is only active when the Caller Notes PSA has been installed. You are given 5 lines of 50 characters which you may enter information to remember about the caller. The caller is not able to edit or view the information contained in these notes. ==== Keyboard Commands ==== While you are editing a user record, there are several keyboard commands you may use to perform functions such as printing the current user record, jumping to another record, deleting the current record, etc. The following details each keyboard command that is available while editing a user record. |**PgUp**|Move backward one user record. If you are at user record number one, you will go to the last record in your users file.| |**PgDn**|Move forward one user record. If you are at the last record in the users file, record number one will be the new record you are editing.| |**CTRL-PgUp**|Move backward twenty user records. When you need to move several records at a time, you can use this keyboard command which will go backwards 20 records at a time.| |**CTRL-PgDn**|Move forward twenty user records. When you use this keyboard command you will advance 20 records at a time.| |**ALT-A**|Add a user. Enables you to add a new record to your usersfile. You can then manually fill in all of the user information.| |**ALT-B**|Jump to the last user record. Moves you to the last record in the users file. Since new users are added to the end of the users file, this keyboard command provides an easy method to access the records of your newest callers.| |**ALT-D**|Delete current user. Marks the current user for deletion. You will be asked to confirm your request to delete the current record. If you continue, the security level will be reduced to 0 and the record will be marked for deletion. The actual record will not be deleted until you pack the users file. To undelete the record, simply change the answer to Delete User in the Long Form.| |**ALT-E**|Located expired security level. Locates the first user in the users file who has an expired security level equal to the one you specify. If you want to search for other users who have the same security level, use the ALT-R keyboard command.| |**ALT-F**|Find a user name. Enables you to search for a particular user record. When prompted, enter the full name of the user you wish to search for. If the user could not be found, you will be asked if you would like to perform a sound alike search. PCBoard will attempt to find names which sound like the name you typed in. If no matches can be found, you will be returned to the last record you were editing.| |**ALT-J**|Jump to a record number. If you want to jump to a specific user record number, use this keyboard command. You will be asked for the record number you wish to jump to. You can see the range of users on your system by looking at the upper right hand side of the screen. There you will find Record # of #. If you enter a value that is out of range of your users file, your request will be ignored.| |**ALT-L**|Locate a security level. When you need to search for a particular security level, use this keyboard command. You will be asked for the security level you wish to search for. Once you enter the security level to search for, PCBoard will take you to the first record in the users file that matches the security level. You can then use ALT-R to search for additional matches throughout the users file.| |**ALT-O**|Locate deleted user. This keyboard command will locate the first record in your users file that is marked for deletion. This is useful when you have marked a record for deletion but then decide not to delete the record. Of course, if you have already packed the users file, there is no way to recover the deleted user record. As with other searches, ALT-R will find additional records that have been marked for deletion.| |**ALT-P**|Print current user record. The current user record will be printed. The format of the printout is identical to the format displayed by the 7 SysOp command. See the SysOp Commands section in the PCBoard Commands chapter of this manual for further details.| |**ALT-R**|Repeat last search. When you use a keyboard command that searches the users file, you can repeat the search (looking for additional matches) by using this keyboard command. If no additional matches are found, you will be returned to the previous user record you were editing.| |**ALT-S**|Search for text. This keyboard command allows you to search all of the data stored in the users record (and optionally the PSA information) for the text you specify, excluding dates, times, and numerical values which are stored in a special format on disk.| |**ALT-T**|Goto first record. Takes you to the first record in the users file (the SysOp record).| ==== Sorting Users ==== If you prefer to have the users in your system sorted in a particular manner, select this menu option from the Main Menu of System Manager. For example, some SysOps prefer to have their users sorted by security level in descending order so users with the highest security levels are at the beginning of the users file. It all depends on your personal preference. One thing to remember is the first record in your users file will never be included in the sorts you perform because it is considered to be the SysOp record and has special privileges. You can choose to do a single or a multiple field sort. === Single Field Sorts === Single field sorts are most useful when you want to sort users by a field which does not commonly have duplicates. For example, you can sort by user name and since there cannot be duplicate names on your system. The screen on the following page shows the sorts you can perform. Once you have selected your sort method, you will be asked if you wish to sort in reverse order. Reverse order means that the sort will be done in descending order. In the case of sorting by names, those that begin with Z will be at the top while names that begin with A will be at the end of the users file. System Manager will now attempt to lock the users file for exclusive access so that it may begin sorting the users file. If you do not have all nodes down, you will see a sharing violation message. This message means that System Manager cannot gain exclusive access to the users file which it needs in order to resort the file. Make sure all nodes are down and no other programs are accessing the users file before you continue. === Multiple Field Sorts === Multiple field sorts enable you to sort by items such as security, number of times on the system, ratios, and more. All of these fields could easily contain duplicates when sorted, which presents a problem. If there are duplicates, how should the duplicate files be sorted (if at all)? You will notice that with multiple field sorts, it will first sort by the primary field, such as security level, and then use the user name as a secondary sort. The following screen shows the sorts you can perform: Once you have selected your sort method, you will be asked if you wish to sort the primary key in reverse order. Reverse order means that the sort will be done in descending order. The primary key is the main sorting method. For example, if you select Security Level then Name from the menu, the primary key is the Security Level and the secondary key is Name. You will also be asked if you wish to sort the secondary key in reverse order. As an example, if you select Security Level then Name from the menu and choose to sort the primary key in reverse order but the secondary key in the normal order, the following will happen: Your users will be sorted by security level -- those with the highest security level will be at the beginning of your user file. If you have more than one user with the same security level, the order that users are listed with the same security level will be determined alphabetically by the user name. Once you have selected your sort criteria, System Manager will attempt to lock the users file for exclusive access so it may begin sorting the users file. If you do not have all nodes down, you will see a sharing violation message. This message means that System Manager cannot gain exclusive access to the users file which it needs in order to resort the file. Make sure all nodes are down and no other programs are accessing the users file before you continue. ===== Packing The Users File ===== When you pack your users file, you can accomplish the following: Physically remove any records marked for deletion. Once a record has been packed out, it is permanently deleted and cannot be undeleted. Remove inactive users from your system to help conserve disk space. Make sure your USERS file is correctly in-sync with your USERS.INF. When you select the option to pack your users, you will see the screen on the following page. You will notice that the pack criteria screen is divided into two logical sections -- removal and keep criteria. You can set the criteria you want to remove user records from and you may also set the criteria to keep a user record. The keep criteria always takes precedence over the removal criteria. If you choose to accept the default values then only the following will happen: - Any users marked for deletion will be physically removed from the system. - The USERS.INF is checked to make sure it is in sync with the USERS file. ==== Criteria For Removing Records ==== This section of the screen gives you the ability to specify which users will be removed from the users file when the file is packed. There are four options you may specify for removing a user record: Remove Users that are Deleted or 'LOCKED OUT': When this field is set to Y , any record that has a security level of 0 or has been marked for deletion will be deleted out of your users file. Remember, there is an option to keep locked out users (those with a security level of 0 but not marked for deletion) and the criteria for keeping a record takes precedence. Remove Users who have not been on for XXXX days: If you want to pack out inactive users on a regular basis, you will most likely use this option. If you enter 45 in this field, every user who does not meet the keep criteria will be deleted from the users file if they have not called your system within the last 45 days. If you do this on a regular basis, you can be sure only active users are stored in your users files. The default number of days is 9999 which disables this option. Remove Users who have not been on since: You may also choose to pack users out of your system by the last date they logged into the system. For example, you can choose to delete anyone who has not called your system since 01-01-93 by entering that date in this field. The default date is 01-01-80 (the beginning of time for the PC) which disables this option. Remove Users whose Reg. Exp. Date is older than: If you run with subscription mode enabled, you may find it useful to be able to remove those accounts which have been expired for quite some time. The date you enter in this field will be compared against the expiration date in each user record. If the expiration date in the user record is older than the date entered, the user record will be removed. The default date is 00-00-00 which disables this option. ==== Criteria For Keeping User Record ==== This section of the screen gives you the ability to specify the criteria for keeping a user record when packing. The criteria for keeping a record takes precedence over removal criteria. This means that even if a user record would be removed, it will not be removed if it meets the criteria for keeping. The following two options are available: Keep Users with security greater than or equal to: Any user who has a security level equal to or greater than the security level specified will not be packed out of the user file. This is useful for making sure everyone above a particular security level is not packed out. For example, if you setup your system so everyone above security level 100 are SysOps, you may want to specify 100 in this field. Keep Users that are 'LOCKED OUT': A Y in this field will retain user records which have been marked as locked out (security level of 0 but not marked for deletion). As an example of why you may want to keep these records, suppose you have a user who has consistently violated system rules and has been locked out. Keeping the user record prevents this user from accessing your system again with the same user name and information. ==== Performing The Pack ==== One last option you can specify is whether you wish to print out the users that are deleted during the pack. If you choose to print deleted records, you will have a record of those users who are deleted. In each record, most of the user information will be printed, so you may later re-enter a user whom you have deleted. The information is identical to the information displayed by using the 7 SysOp command. See the PCBoard Commands chapter of this manual for further information. Once you have chosen whether or not to print the deleted records, press PgDn to begin the packing process. Because packing will cause a global change to the users file, System Manager requires exclusive access to both your USERS and USERS.INF files. This means no other nodes should be online. System Manager does, however, provide an option which allows you to pack the users file while users are online. The difference between packing offline and online is the fact that users who are currently online or were online when the process began will not be affected by the pack criteria you specify. When possible, it is always best to do a normal pack with no nodes online. **NOTE:** If you have installed the Alias PSA, System Manager will not allow you to perform an online pack. ===== Print Users File ===== Using this menu option, you can print the entire users file or only a portion by specifying the starting and ending user records to print. There are three fields that determine which records will be printed. |**Starting Record:**|The starting record number to print. The default is 1 which will begin printing with the first record in the users file.| |**Ending Record:**|The last record number you wish to print. The default is the last record number in your users record. The number you enter in this field must be larger than the number entered as the starting record or your print request will be aborted.| |**Exp. users Only:**|Setting this option to Y means that only users in the specified range whose expiration date is earlier than today's date will be printed. Setting this option to N will print all users regardless of their expiration date.| You may pick from three different formats for printing the users file. The information will be sent to the printer you defined in System Manager; all reports will be less than 80 characters in width and will include form feed codes. Each printing form is described in detail: ==== Short Form ==== The short form will print one user per line. On each line the following information will be printed: * Name * City/State * Security Level * Business / Data Phone * Home / Voice Phone ==== Long Form ==== Each record printed in this style will contain the same information shown via the 7 SysOp command. For information on this format, refer to the PCBoard Commands chapter of this manual. ==== Reg. Expiration Form ==== Like the short form, this form will print one user per line. The information printed in this form is designed to help you easily locate users whose subscription has expired or is about to expire. The following information about each user is printed: * Name * Business / Data Phone * Home / Voice Phone * Security * Expiration Date * Expiration Info - If the user has expired then (EXPIRED) will be printed. If the user is within the warning period you have specified for subscriptions (PCBSetup > Subscription), the number of days until the user expires will be printed. Otherwise, this area of the report will be blank. ===== Make Users File Index ===== In general, both PCBoard and System Manager take care of the users index files automatically. If for some reason you suspect the indexes are out of sync, use this selection to recreate all user index files. When your user index files are out of sync with the users files, you may experience a problem when a user attempts to login, types in the correct password, but PCBoard will report that the password is incorrect. It does not hurt to recreate the index files and it does not take very long. If you get reports such as the one described previously, re-index your users files. ===== Adjust Security Levels ===== This selection brings up a sub-menu allowing you to globally adjust security levels in the users file according to the upload/download ratio, their number of uploads or even just to convert one range of security levels to a new security level. You can also initialize globally all upload/download counters and change security levels a user's real security level to equal the expired security level. The screen on the following page displays the security level adjustments you can perform. ==== Adjust by Ranges ==== Use this menu option to assign a new security level to a group of users within a specified security level range. For example, if you need to change every user with a security level of 35 to a security level of 33, enter the following: Change users whose security is greater than or equal to : 35 and whose security level is less than or equal to : 35 To a new security level of : 33 You may need to consolidate a range of security levels into one single security level. This can be done with the menu option very easily. To change every user with a security level between 20 and 29 to security level 20, enter the following: Change users whose security is greater than or equal to : 20 and whose security level is less than or equal to : 29 To a new security level of : 20 ==== Adjust by Ranges (Expired) ==== This menu option is identical to Adjust by Ranges with one major exception: Instead of modifying the actual security level of the user, only the expired security level is modified. As an example, if you need to change every user who has an expired security level of 45 to reflect a new expired security level of 55, enter the following: Change users whose security is greater than or equal to : 45 and whose security level is less than or equal to : 45 To a new security level of : 55 You may need to consolidate a range of expired security levels into one single expired security level. To change every user with an expired security level between 30 and 49 to an expired security level of 25, enter the following: Change users whose security is greater than or equal to : 30 and whose security level is less than or equal to : 49 To a new security level of : 25 ==== Adjust by Up/Dn File Ratio ==== This menu option gives you the ability to globally adjust security levels of users according to file ratio of each user. System Manager will refer to the file ratio table you create to determine what security level is assigned based on the user's ratio. See Create Up/Dn File Ratio Table for information about creating the table. Before you begin, you are asked if you wish to print the users who have their security level changed. If you choose to print the report, it will be sent to the printer defined in System Manager. The report includes: * User name * Number of files uploaded * Number of files downloaded * File ratio * Old security level * New security level ==== Adjust by Up/Dn Byte Ratio ==== This menu option gives you the ability to globally adjust security levels of users according to the byte ratio of each user. System Manager will refer to the byte ratio table you create to determine what security level is assigned based on the user's ratio. See Create Up/Dn Byte Ratio Table for information about creating the table. Before you begin, you are asked if you wish to print the users who have their security level changed. If you choose to print the report, it will be sent to the printer defined in System Manager. The report includes: * User name * Number of bytes uploads * Number of bytes downloads * Byte ratio * Old security level * New security level ==== Adjust by Number of Uploads ==== You may also adjust the security level of users based on the number of files they have uploaded to the system. System Manager will reference the table created via Create Upload Table. Before you begin, you are asked if you wish to print the users who have their security level changed. If you choose to print the report, it will be sent to the printer defined in System Manager. The report includes: * User name * Number of uploads * Old security level * New security level ==== Adjust by Number of Downloads ==== You may also adjust the security level of users based on the number of files they have downloaded from the system. System Manager will reference the table created via Create Download Table. Before you begin, you are asked if you wish to print the users who have their security level changed. If you choose to print that report, it will be sent to the printer defined in System Manager. The report includes: * User name * Number of downloads * Old security level * New security level ===== Create Up/Dn File Ratio Table ===== This menu option is the one you want to use to create the table used for adjusting security levels by the file ratio of a user. When you select this menu option, you will see the screen on the following page. Notice that there are two columns where you edit data. One column is titled Ratio and other is titled Security. Based on the file ratio of the user, a new security level will be assigned. When designing your table, keep in mind how System Manager will read the table. It reads two ratio entries at a time. If a user falls in-between the two ratios, the user will get the security level listed to the right of the first ratio. The following illustrates: System Manager will continue to search through the table until a match is found. Notice that the key is the ratio. The user will be assigned a security level based on their ratio. If you are looking to assign a ratio to a particular security level, define the ratio in the PWRD file (PCBSetup | File Locations | Configuration Files). Normally a ratio is specified as something like 10:1 (10 to 1). Entering a ratio in that manner is cumbersome so an alternate method had to be devised. System Manager determines a ratio less than 0 to be a download to upload, while a positive ratio number is considered an upload to download ratio. What is the difference? A download to upload ratio means more has been downloaded than uploaded, while an upload to download ratio means more has been uploaded than downloaded. Rather than limiting you to whole number ratios only (e.g., 25:1) you may enter up to the tenths digits (e.g., 25.3:1). To specify a ratio of 25.3, enter either 253 to specify an upload to download ratio or -253 to specify a download to upload ratio. Remember that 25 is really 25.0 so you must enter it as 250 or -250. If you enter 25, it will be interpreted as 2.5. The following are some important items you will want to remember about creating your ratio table: The ratios you enter should be ordered from smallest to greatest. This means you should enter the negative ratio values at the top of your list and your positive values at the end of the list. Your ratio table will automatically be sorted before it is saved to disk. The ratio you enter for the first entry is ignored because it represents the absolute largest download:upload ratio. The security level for the first entry is important though, because it is the security level that used when System Manager compares the first two entries in your table. The security level to the right of your last entry in the ratio table will only be assigned if the user has a better ratio than the ratio defined on the last line. This means that if your last line is set for a ratio of 50 and a security level of 40, the user will only get a security level of 40 if they have a ratio that is better than 5 uploads for every download. A ratio of 0, 10, or -10 implies that uploads are equal to downloads. Only security levels listed in the security column will be included in ratio checking. This means you can have users that are exempt from being adjusted due to their ratio by simply excluding their security in your ratio table definition. As an example, let's assume you want to create a simple ratio table where if a user has a download:upload ratio greater than 20:1, a security level of 20 will be assigned. In addition, a ratio between 10:1 and 20:1 will result in a security level of 30, and a ratio above 10:1 will get a security level of 40. To accomplish this, create the following table: ^Ratio^Security^ |-9999999|20| |-200|30| |-100|40| |0|0| If you want to set up another ratio, it is very easy to add. Let's say you want to give users that have uploaded more than they have downloaded a security level of 50. This can be done simply by adding a new line after the -100 line making your table resemble the following: ^Ratio^Security^ |-9999999|20| |-200|30| |-100|40| |0|50| |0|0| So you can get a feeling of how System Manager will use your table to assign security levels, let's look at three sample users and see how their security levels will be adjusted. |**Security**|20| |**Number Uploads**|8| |**Number Downloads**|523| Calculation of this user's ratio reveals it to be about 65.4 downloads for every upload, which is expressed in System Manager as -654. System Manager will look at the first two lines in your ratio table: |-9999999|20| |-200|30| As you can see, this particular user has a ratio in-between these two lines so a security level of 20 will be assigned (which the user already has). The next user has the following record: |**Security**|30| |**Number Uploads**|353| |**Number Downloads**|751| This particular user has a ratio that equates to approximately 2.1 downloads for every file uploaded. In System Manager terms this is expressed as -21. System Manager will now analyze your ratio table from the top, down to the bottom looking for a match: |-9999999|20| |-200|30| The ratio for this user does not fit between this range so the next two lines are analyzed. |-200|30| |-100|40| This user's ratio does not fit between this range either, so the next two lines are analyzed. |-100|40| |0|50| Finally, a match. This user's ratio was -51, which falls within this range. Now looking at the security level of the first line, we can see the user will receive a security level of 40. This particular user was upgraded from a security level of 30 to a new security level of 40 because of the improved file ratio. The last user has the following information: |**Security**|35| |**Number Uploads**|7| |**Number Downloads**|43| This user will not be affected, not because the ratio would leave him at security level 35, but rather because security level 35 is not even listed in the ratio table. As stated earlier, security levels not listed in the table will not be adjusted due to their ratios. ===== Create Up/Dn Byte Ratio Table ===== The only difference between this option and adjusting by file ratio is that System Manager will determine the ratio based on bytes uploaded and downloaded instead of the number of files transferred. Everything else about byte and file ratios are the same including creating the ratio table. For more information on creating the table, see the previous section. ===== Create Upload Table ===== This option gives you the ability to adjust the security level of a user based on how many files they have uploaded to the system. When you select this option, you will notice that it looks quite similar to ratio tables. This table does not try to relate uploads and downloads to one another so you may find it easier to setup. System Manager will simply analyze two lines of your table at a time. If the number of files a user has uploaded falls between two entries, the user will be given the appropriate security level as shown in the following sample: As an example, let's assume you creat the following table: ^Uploads^Security^ |0|15| |1|20| |50|40| |0|0| Until a user uploads a file, the security level will remain 15. A user who has uploaded more than one file, but has not yet uploaded 50 files, will receive a security level of 20. If a user has uploaded 50 or more files, a security level of 40 will be given. ===== Create Download Table ===== The creation and use of this table is identical to the Upload table. The only exception is that the number of files downloaded are checked instead of the number of files uploaded. Refer to the previous section for additional information. ===== Change Security to Expired Level ===== When a user's subscription expires, PCBoard leaves the security level intact but will give the user their expired security level at login. By doing this, a user can renew their subscription and you simply have to update their expiration date to restore the old security level. Sometimes, however, you may want to make permanent the expired security level of a user whose subscription has expired. This menu option allows you to make this change, adjusting the user's normal security level to match the level in the expired security level field. Before you make this change, PCBoard asks if you wish to print a list of users who have their security levels changed. Answering Y at this prompt will cause a report to be printed to the printer defined for System Manager to use. This report includes the following information: * User name * Old security level * New permanent security level (expired security level) * Date of expiration Before System Manager makes the change, it must verify it is the only application accessing the users file. If it cannot gain exclusive access to the users file, you will receive notice that all nodes must be down before you can make this change. ===== Initialize Upld/Dnld Counters ===== You can use this option to reset or change the upload/download byte and file counters for every user on the system. You can choose any of the following options: * Make the upload counter equal to the download counter. * Make the download counter equal to the upload counter. * Set both the upload and download counters to 0. Initialize upload and download BYTE counters to be equal to the current users file ratio. If you select this option you are given the option to specify a number to multiply the number of files transferred to store in the bytes transferred fields. For example, if a user has uploaded 3 files and downloaded 10 files and you specify a multiplier of 100, the user's byte counters will show 300 bytes uploaded and 1000 bytes downloaded. The multiplier is simply for cosmetic purposes. Also, you should be aware that if you select this option, your answers to the Adjust Upload / Download FILE/BYTE Counters questions will be ignored. There are two other questions on this screen. Your answer to these questions determine which counters will be set. * Adjust Upload / Download FILE Counters * Adjust Upload / Download BYTE Counters For example, if you select option number 3, and you set Adjust Upload / Download FILE Counters to Y, the following field will be set to 0 in each user's record: * Number Uploads * Number Downloads Of course, if you answer Y to both questions, both of the following fields will be reset to 0 for all users: * Number Uploads * Number Downloads * Total Upload * Total Download * Registering Users In A Conference By Security Level When you need to modify the conference registrations of a large number of users, you certainly would not want to do so manually. System Manager gives you the ability to modify a range of conference flags for users within a particular security range. ===== Selecting Conferences To Modify ===== The following fields allow you to control the users who will have their conference flags modified: * First number of conferences to be inserted in registrations * Last number of conferences to be inserted in registrations Enter the beginning conference number to be modified in the first field, and in the second field, enter the last conference number to be included in the list of conference registrations to be modified. For example, if you want to modify the conference registrations for conferences 3 through 10, enter the following: First number of conferences to be inserted in registrations : 3 Last number of conferences to be inserted in registrations : 10 If you need to modify just one conference, enter the conference number as both the first and last conference to modify. ==== Setting Conference Flags ==== Once you have selected the conferences to modify, you must determine how you will be altering the access to the conference. The following five fields control what access you can give to a conference: * Adjust conferences user is normally allowed to join * Adjust conferences user can join with expired subscription * Adjust the user selected conferences for scanning * Adjust conferences where user becomes a sysop when joining * Reset user's last message read to zero in these conferences The first four questions are simply the conference flags you may set (R, X, S, and C). For additional information on conference flags, see Editing a User Record in the Users File Maintenance section of this chapter. If you wish to reset the last message read pointer for each conference you modify, answer Y to the Reset user's last message read to zero in these conferences question. ===== Selecting User Records To Modify ===== The last thing you must determine is the range of users who will have their conference registration information changed. Simply state the lowest security level you wish to modify and then the highest security level to modify. Every user with a security level between the two levels you enter will have their conference information modified. ==== Making The Change ==== When you have finished entering the security levels, conference numbers and the conference flags you wish to modify, press PgDn to begin the process. Before System Manager actually begins modifying the user file, it will attempt to make sure it has exclusive access to both the USERS and USERS.INF files. If it cannot get exclusive access to these files, it will not be able to modify the records for each user. Make sure all nodes are down before you attempt to make a global change such as inserting group conference registrations. ==== Examples ==== Let's assume you just created conference #3 on your system which displays community event information. If you want to have that conference selected for reading by every user on your system, enter the following into each field: As another example, suppose you want to create conference #53 to be a private conference for those with a security level of 90 or higher. Since an R flag is required to be able to join a private conference, you might go about setting the flag manually in all user accounts with a security level of 90 or higher -- this would be quite an undertaking on a system with a large user base. Instead, you can let System Manager do all of the hard work for you by entering the following information: ===== Removing Access To A Conference By Security Level ===== When you need to modify the conference registrations for a large number of users, you certainly do not want to do it manually. System Manager gives you the ability to modify a range of conference flags for users within a particular security range. ===== Selecting Conferences To Modify ===== The following fields allow you to control the users that will have their conference flags modified: * First number of conferences to be inserted in registrations * Last number of conferences to be inserted in registrations Enter the beginning conference number to be modified in the first field, and in the second field, enter the last conference number to be included in the list of conference registrations to be modified. For example, if you wanted to modify the conference registrations for conferences 3 through 10, enter the following: First number of conferences to be inserted in registrations : 3 Last number of conferences to be inserted in registrations : 10 If you need to modify just one conference, enter the conference number as both the first and last conference to modify. ===== Deselecting Conference Flags ===== Once you have selected the conferences to modify, you must determine how you will be altering access to the conference. The following five fields control what access you can remove from a conference: * Adjust conferences user is normally allowed to join * Adjust conferences user can join with expired subscription * Adjust the user selected conferences for scanning * Adjust conferences where user becomes a sysop when joining * Reset user's last message read to zero in these conferences The first four questions are simply the conference flags that you may set (R, X, S, and C). For additional information on conference flags, see Editing a User Record in the Users File Maintenance section of this chapter. If you wish to reset the last message read pointer for each conference you modify, answer Y to the Reset user's last message read to zero in these conferences question. ===== Selecting User Records To Modify ===== The last thing you must determine is the range of users who will have their conference registration information changed. Simply state the lowest security level you wish to modify and then the highest security level to modify. Every user with a security level between the two levels you enter will have their conference information modified. ==== Making The Change ==== When you have finished entering the security levels, conference numbers and the conference flags you wish to modify, press PgDn to begin the process. Before System Manager actually begins modifying the user file, it will attempt to make sure it has exclusive access to both the USERS and USERS.INF files. If it cannot get exclusive access to these files, it will not be able to modify the records for each user. Make sure that all nodes are down before you attempt to make a global change such as inserting group conference registrations. ==== Examples ==== If you have 50 conferences on your system (conferences 0-49) and you want to make sure no users have conference SysOp status (the C flag), you can enter the following information: Another example may be when you want to remove everyone with a security level less than 50 from conference #9 which is a private conference. For this task you may want to remove all of their conference flags and reset their last message read to 0 as well. ===== Moving Access From One Conference To Another ===== From this menu option, you can move the access of users from one conference to another conference. Not only can you move the conference flags from one conference to another, but you can also move the last message read to the new conference. ===== Specifying Conferences ===== In the REMOVE user(s) from which conference field, enter the conference number you wish to remove the conference access from. In the ADD to which conference field enter the conference number that you will be moving conference access to. ===== Moving Conference Information ===== The following lists which questions control the conference flags. For a detailed description of conference flags see Editing a User Record in the Users File Maintenance section of this chapter. |**R**|Adjust conferences user is allowed in (all times)| |**X**|Adjust conferences user is allowed in (expired)| |**S**|Adjust conference user-scan preference list| System Manager moves each conference flag field to the new conference exactly as set in the original conference. It is recommended that you either leave all three of these questions set to Y or set to N. The next question you are asked gives you the ability to modify the user record so it shows the Last Conference In field to reflect the new conference. Of course, this will not be of much use unless the new conference is defined as an auto-rejoin conference. If the new conference is defined as an auto-rejoin conference, affected users will be logged into this conference the next time they log in. The last question asks if you wish to also move the last message number read from the old conference to the new conference. If you answer Y in this field, the last message read number will be moved to the new conference, and the old conference will have the last message read set to 0. ===== Selecting Security Levels ===== As with other functions in System Manager, you determine what users will have their records modified by a range of security levels. Simply enter the lowest and highest security level for the records you wish to modify. Every record in the indicated security level range will be affected by the change. ==== Example ==== The following illustrates what to do if you want to move the conference information from conference 2 to conference 3 for users with a security level of 50. First, while editing a user record for which you will be moving conference information, look at the conference form in System Manager. You should see something similar to the following: ^Num^Conference^Flags^Last Msg^ |0|Main Board|RXS|51371| |1|OpSys| |0| |2|Admin|RXS|120022| |3|Chatter|RX|0| Next, enter the following after selecting Move Users BETWEEN Conferences from the Users File Maintenance menu: Finally, press PgDn to begin moving the conference information. System Manager is going to require exclusive access to USERS and USERS.INF, so make sure no other nodes are online before you press PgDn. Otherwise, you will receive an error message and System Manager will continually try to access the file that until you press E to abort the process or the file is no longer in use. Once the change has been made, you will see user records have been updated. Looking at the same record we reviewed before we made the change, you will now see: ^Num^Conference^Flags^Last Msg^ |0|Main Board|RXS|51371| |1|OpSys| |0| |2|Admin| |0| |3|Chatter|RXS|120022| Notice that all of the conference information from conference 2 has been moved over to conference 3. ===== Adjusting Expiration Dates ===== When you need to upgrade the expiration date of several users, you can let System Manager's Change Expiration Date menu option do the work for you. Using this menu option you can update the expiration date of users on your system to a new date or add additional days to their expiration date. ==== Security Level Criteria ==== In order to modify the expiration date of users on your system, you need to specify a range of security levels that you wish to modify. First however, you must select if you wish the security level range to be based on the normal or expired security level of each user. The following are valid options for this field: |**E**|Expired security level. Base the range of security levels that will be affected on the expired security level of each user instead of the normal security level.| |**N**|Normal security level. Base the range of security levels that will be affected on the normal security level of each user.| ==== Specifying Security Range ==== Using the following field, you can specify the range of security levels (normal or expired) you wish to modify. * Adjust Expiration Date if level is Greater than or equal to * Adjust Expiration Date if level is Less than or equal to For example, if you want to modify the range of security levels between 20 and 30, enter a 20 in the first field and a 30 in the second field. ==== Setting New Expiration Date ==== You can choose to either set an actual date to change all records to or you may choose to simply add a certain amount of days to the expiration date of the user. If you wish to make the new expiration date uniform throughout the range selected, specify the date at the following prompt: New Expiration Date (01/01/80 is ignored) If you leave the date in that field as 01-01-80, System Manager assumes you want to extend their current expiration date by the amount of days specified in the follwoing field: Current Date in record plus XXXX days ==== Printing Changed Records ==== The final question on this screen asks if you wish to print a report of users who have their user records changed. If you answer Y to this question, a report will be printed to the printer you have defined in System Manager. This report will contain: * User name * Security level * Old expiration date * New expiration date ==== Making The Change ==== When you have filled in all of the fields, press PgDn to begin changing the records. If System Manager can gain exclusive access to the users file, it will begin modifying the records you have specified. If System Manager cannot guarantee it has exclusive access, it will print a message that states LOCK FAILED. In order to gain exclusive access to the users file, make sure you do not have any nodes up and running or ready to take calls. ==== Example ==== To help illustrate the advantage of being able to globally change expiration dates, let's use the following example: You accept subscriptions to your system where your users will pay money for one year of access. Your subscribers occupy security levels 60-80. Keeping all of this in mind, let's assume you had system troubles that caused you to be down for two days in a row. To help relations with what may be several angry subscribers, you decide to extend all subscription by an additional week (7 days). Rather than manually modify each record you can use System Manager's Change Expiration Date menu option. Fill in the fields on the screen as follows: Security Level Range -------------------- Base Security Level Criteria on NORMAL or EXPIRED Level (N/E) : N Adjust Expiration Date if level is Greater than or equal to : 60 Adjust Expiration Date if level is Less than or equal to : 80 Change Expiration Date To: -------------------------- New Expiration Date (01/01/80 is ignored) : 01-01-80 Current Date in record plus XXXX days : 7 Print Changed User Records on the Printer : N ===== Standardizing Phone Formats ===== Selecting this menu option will standardize the phone fields for every user on your system. Essentially, this option merely strips all non-numerical information from the phone field and attempts to fit the phone number into the following format: 999 999-9999 If the phone number is shorter than 10 digits, 1t will start building the phone number from the right. Therefore, if one of the phone numbers in the user record was 323-835, System Manager will convert this phone number to 32-3835. Once all of your phone numbers are standardized, you can reliably sort the users file by the contents of this field. ===== Undo Previous Change ===== Selecting this menu option will enable you to undo any global changes you have made to the users file while in System Manager. The following lists all of the global changes you can make in System Manager: * Sort Users File * Pack Users File * Pack Users File while Online * Adjust Security Level by Ranges * Adjust Expired Security Level by Ranges * Adjust Up/Dn File Ratio * Adjust Up/Dn Byte Ratio * Change Security to Expired Level * Initialize Upld/Dnld Counters * Insert Group Conference * Remove Group Conference * Adjust Expiration Dates * Standardize Phone Formats When you select the undo option, you will be asked to confirm that you really wish to undo your most recent global change. If you select to undo your changes, System Manger will restore the last backup of the USERS and USERS.INF file and then re-index your users file to make sure the index files are current.