
Path: /root/parties/evk23/in4k

`----- - --- ---------?\___/?\/zS!?\___/?\/--o Alter!Krass! | `----- - --- ------ -----\___/?\/!?\___/?\/--o | release name: Hepatitis B | type: Windows 4k intro | music: Triace | release date: 29.07.2023 | | filling the gap | | | Contact us @ PLK 555NASE | _ .:! <----- ----- - - - - - ----- ----\/----'
Kintsugi Party Edition ---- PC 4k Intro Evoke 2023 ---- Kintsugi is the japanese tradition to fix broken p treating damage and repair of an item as part of i doesn't have to be the end of it, it can be repair and more beatiful than before. The intro aimed to of pottery to suggest that it can apply to other t arbitrary inanimate objects, who knows maybe it'll ---- I don't think I did this justice, but since finals figured I'd at least give a bit more insight into ---- A shitty 4 hours of sleep the night before the par away on the release, 2 hours until the compo, 500 missing the last third of the intros cameras / sce hustle this much, just for me to miss the deadline nothing?". My brain is dead but my will is not, so coffee, in hopes that the caffeine jitters I alrea swift and decisive keystrokes, akin to the axe str Fast forward, 30 minutes till the compo block star nothing left to axe, real size coders know: the la and I'm still far from those, even after all the s Gargaj, who's been enabling me but also adding to date in real-time via chat asks how it's looking, gopher and I look at each other, acknowledging thi and that the chances of still making it are... sli I chug one last cup of coffee, put the neurofunk o ready to do whatever it takes. Compo block starts, follows. I'm still crunching bytes... I don't know compo has, but every entry that runs could be the efforts in vain, 5 minutes before the last 256 byt I test view my entry right after the 256 byte comp entries in the 256 byte compo and I wouldn't be wr Gargaj you're insane <3 so am I. Gopher thanks for imaginable fields, pOWL thanks for your musical in Respect to all size coders. Greetings to all sceners. Love to all friends. LJ
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+ ΓûêΓûÇΓûêΓÇâΓûêΓûÇΓû êΓûÇΓûê ΓûêΓûä ΓÇâΓûêΓûÇΓûÇΓ Γûê ΓûêΓÇâ Γûê MartiniMoe [Music, Code Sup NinjaKoala ode] juvi ode, Graphics] Funkstill ode support Smeik ode support] We greet all you awesome sceners released @ evoke 2023 +